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M Downs and Associates Offices

The Low Down

The latest news, updates and opinions from Maria and the team at M Downs. 

Parents' Mental Health leading assessment factor in Children's Social Care

Parental mental health is the most frequently reported assessment factor in children's social care, for the first time, according to Safeguarding Pressures (SP) report released today (15th January 2025). 

In the 9th edition of the series, SP report 'a sharp upward trajectory in recent years, with a 10% increase in assessments in which parental mental health was the main presenting need'. 

SP is a longitudinal study of the safeguarding of children, and uses surveys, interviews and data research to collect quanititative feedback from local authorities and leaders of children's services. 

Andy Smith, ADCS President, said: “The latest phase of our research makes it clear that the stripping back of our public services has led to, and continues to result in, poor outcomes for children. In order to improve children’s lives, we need to improve public services as a whole and ensure that parents and carers have the access to the support they need and families are able to be housed in safe, decent homes in the communities they have connections in.  Children, young people, and families do not live their lives according to service structures or departmental remits, we are dealing with multifaceted needs which require joined up, multi-agency responses. 

“It is encouraging to see that the government has reaffirmed its commitment to keeping children safe and helping families to thrive and backed this up with new investment, however, evidence presented here shows the stark impact of poverty, the housing crisis and failing health services on children’s lives and on their childhoods is undeniable. It is clear that the government needs to take bolder, swifter action to truly improve children’s life chances now and in the future. The research also demonstrates the value and impact of early help and family support in terms of preventing future misery and harm as well as future spend, so sustainable, equitable investment here should be part of any long term plans.

“The essential foundations that children need to thrive are now absent for a large proportion of children, which results in them arriving at our door in need of help and protection. This isn’t good for children, families or for communities. It’s time to think and work differently. We need to work more collaboratively, with children and families in the round, if we are ever going to achieve our ambitions for children to thrive. And we need joined up government to tackle these core challenges of family life because childhood matters.”

You can access the 9th edition in full here

We work with individuals, organisations, public services and the courts to provide evidence-based psychological solutions that help people to live better.


Our team of therapists and Clinical Psychologists are led by Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Maria Downs. Dr Downs founded M Downs and Associates in 2012, and since then the company has gained a reputation for uncompromising quality in the delivery of therapy, reports, education and assessments.

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