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M Downs and Associates Offices

The Low Down

The latest news, updates and opinions from Maria and the team at M Downs. 

Overwhelmed this Christmas?

Do you know how many hours go into preparing for Christmas on average....?

Many tasks, while small on their own, quickly start to mount up. From writing Christmas cards, to decorating the tree, wrapping presents and organising family gatherings.... On average it adds up to 42 hours of additional unpaid labour. And in heterosexual couples an average of 70-80% of the planning and work falls to women.

Christmas can be a magical time; but we mustn't underestimate the physical, financial, emotional and mental load that it can bring us. A YouGov study found over half of women reporting being stressed during the holiday and 35% of men. We share our tips for managing stress at this time of year.

Realistic Expectations. Perfect doesn't exist and social media lies, so let's be realistic about what we want our Christmas to look and feel like and avoid the danger of comparison.

Remember yourself. It's easy to put others before ourselves at Christmas; but try and make space for what you want and need. Maybe that is asking for help, delegating tasks, treating yourself or scheduling a little time for you.

Embrace the unpredictable. The most memorable holidays are usually the ones where something doesn't quite work out, and the best Christmas traditions are the simple, quirky ones that come about by accident.

Balance. It's easy for every day routines to go out of the window at this time of year, but Christmas shouldn't have to mean undoing your own hard work and progress, if that's something you don't want to happen. Don't feel pressured to drink if you don't want to, and turning down social events to go to the gym, get an early night or any other reason, is entirely your choice. 

Boundaries. Christmas shouldn't have to mean undoing our hard work over the rest of the year, and the same goes for our relationships. It can sometimes be difficult to maintain our boundaries over the festive season, and to not get sucked into unhelpful dynamics. Remember, if it's not helpful the rest of the year, it's not ok for Christmas either.

We wish you a Christmas that is right for you, however that looks and feels.

We work with individuals, organisations, public services and the courts to provide evidence-based psychological solutions that help people to live better.


Our team of therapists and Clinical Psychologists are led by Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Maria Downs. Dr Downs founded M Downs and Associates in 2012, and since then the company has gained a reputation for uncompromising quality in the delivery of therapy, reports, education and assessments.

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