Clinical Psychologist and Expert Witness
Location – South Yorkshire, Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria
Bringing over ten years experience as a Clinical Psychologist, Dr Sarah Harper provides expert witness reports and therapeutic input to help clients through a range of challenging life situations.
Her areas of expertise include:
Attachment difficulties
Birth Trauma
Capacity assessments
Cognitive functioning
Developmental Trauma
Domestic Violence
Harmful sexual behaviour and Violence
Learning Difficulties
Looked After Children
Mental Health Issues
Phobias, including Social Phobia
Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
Substance Misuse Problems
Psychological Assessments
Dr Harper provides detailed, clear reports for family, criminal, social and health proceedings and specialises in the assessment of children and young people.
She has undertaken expert witness training by Bond Solon, and draws upon her training and experiences as a Clinical Psychologist and therapist to provide evidence-based recommendations.
Dr Harper is also able to offer psychological assessments for trauma, mental health concerns, risk issues, adaptive functioning and cognitive issues for both children and adults.
She is a clear communicator, and skilled in adapting or simplifying language to for clients and wider systems when necessary.
Through her experience working in forensic settings with children and young people, Dr Harper has extensive experience and training in assessing and offering interventions to children engaging in violence and aggression, harmful sexual behaviour, animal cruelty and fire setting. She is trained in use of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY).
Utilising evidence-based treatment methods, Dr Harper is able to support clients to make changes to self-defeating behaviour and to help them cope with a range of difficult feelings and life challenges.
Therapy types include:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Cognitive Analytical Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
As well as systemic and narrative approaches.
Support for families
Dr Harper uses the most up to date research and techniques, to support to families looking for help with a range of issues.
These might include:
Family disputes
Parenting challenges
Concerns about emerging mental health issues impacting on the family
Dr Harper is PACE (attachment) trained and is able to assess a range of mental health and/or behavioural concerns. She is trained in a range of risk assessment and trauma tools and is also able to complete cognitive and behavioural assessments such as the WISC/WAIS and Vineland.
For Dr Harper's current timescales and availability, get in touch.
Email enquiries to - info@mdownsandassociates.co.uk
Call us on - 01143035053.