March 17th - 23rd is Neurodiversity Celebration Week, where we take a look at the strengths, skills and accomplishments of those living with a range of neurodiversities.
Established in 2018, this week aims to get people talking about the many ways our brains can process, think and behave. Neurodiversity is an umbrella term for brains that operate in a way that is different to the norm. It is used to refer to disorders such as Autism/Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourettes.

While having a neurodiverse brain can bring many challenges, in a society designed for neurotypical brains, it can also bring strengths and allow individuals to experience, see and understand the world differently. Diversity of mind is essential for innovation, creativity and progress, and it's no surprise that some of the greatest thinkers, creatives, researchers and inventors were neurodiverse. We think that's worth celebrating.
Find out more or get involved at Neurodiversity Celebration Week.

Further information and resources can be found at:
ADHD Foundation - Home - ADHD Foundation : ADHD Foundation
ADHD UK - ADHD UK - Homepage - ADHD UK
Child Autism UK -
National Autistic Society -
British Dyslexia Association - British Dyslexia Association
The Brain Charity -
NeuroTastic -